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Products and Skills development: Arts and Crafters
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Project Status:
Project Number: 149
Project Scope:
Scope Statement
Training of six groups in technical skills and on product development.
In Scope
  • Technical and production skills in weaving raw material preparation including: Hand spinning, dyeing, technical weaving,finishing cut, sew and pattern making.
  • Products Develoment- which entails techincal assistance in creativity and designing products that are appealing to the market.
  • Access to markets- Buyer lead identification and buyer outreach.
  • Project Management
Key Focus Area: Economic Development
Focus Areas: Economic Development
Beneficiaries: Community, Women, Youth
Regions: All Regions
Villages: All Villages
Institutions: Royal Bafokeng Enterprise Development (RBED)
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Saturday 1 May 2010
Baseline End Date: Friday 8 October 2010
Actual Start Date: Thursday 1 April 2010
Actual End Date: Friday 22 October 2010
Schedule Variance:
-14 days
-8.75 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
0 %
Risks: 1
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 0
Total: 0
Project entails provision of both Technical and production Skills to SMME within  Arts and Crafters.




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

Rated: No Votes
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