The Royal Bafokeng Nation
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Annual Youth Arts Festival
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Project Status:
Project Number: 150
Project Scope:
To afford the Youth of Bafokeng in 29 villages an opportunity to showcase their talent and creativity through music and dance, by creating a platform in a form of an arts festival.  The platform will also be used to share with the Youth the history of Bafokeng through the use of the Bafokeng Popular History Book and the Bafokeng documentary film.  The event will take place in Phokeng on the 24th September 2010. 
In Scope
  • A venue big enough to host the event.
  • Artist to perform throughout the event.
  • Marketing of the event through print media to disseminate information.
  • Public Safety Department to give approval for public gathering.
  • A confirmation from all invited guests.
  • Tents with a carrying capacity to host the event.
  • An effective PA sound system.
  • Key Focus Area: Health and Social Development
    Focus Areas: Health and Social Development, History and Heritage
    Beneficiaries: Youth
    Regions: Capital Region
    Villages: All Villages
    Institutions: Health & Social Development Services (HSDS)
    Progress Actual: 100 %
    Progress Planned: 100 %
    Baseline Start Date: Thursday 15 July 2010
    Baseline End Date: Thursday 30 September 2010
    Actual Start Date: Thursday 15 July 2010
    Actual End Date: Friday 1 October 2010
    Schedule Variance:
    -1 day
    -1.299 %
    Approved Total Budget: Hidden
    Total Expenditures: Hidden
    Estimated to Complete: Hidden
    Total at Completion: Hidden
    Budget Variance:
    32.316 %
    Risks: 2
    Issues: Unresolved: 0
    Resolved: 0
    Total: 0
    To give the Bafokeng youth a platform to showcase their talent and creativity through music and dance and to also share with the youth the history of Bafokeng.




    Milestones Calendar
    Start Date: - End Date:

    Gallery Images
    activity_sheet_and_Gantt_chart_07 october 2010.xls

    Rated: No Votes
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