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Development of a Master Plan for Agriculture in Royal Bafokeng
Project Status:
Project Number: 174
Project Scope:

To develop an agricultural master plan, development projects and agricultural opportunities that are based on sound environmental and economic principles and a comprehensive, updatable, spatial decision support system for the Royal Bafokeng land, (operating at 1:50 000 scale).

In scope:

  • To develop a spatial database at 1:50 000 scale with data and maps on natural and water resources, infrastructure and socio-organization.
  • To conduct SWOT analysis and identify stakeholder’s perceptions of agriculturally-related opportunities and constraints, by means of a series of stakeholder meetings.
  • To identify potential agricultural development or improvement projects, and prioritize these with the client.
  • To identify agricultural production opportunities (i.e. agricultural enterprises), and prioritize these with the client.
  • Economic and market analysis for identified agricultural production opportunities.
  • To obtain confirmation from industry experts on critical issues.
  • To develop the agricultural master plan and its constituent elements and negotiate it with stakeholders.
  • To define the requirements of an enabling environment for agricultural development.
  • To package the data, maps and information on DVD, hold delivery workshop and information/training sessions.
  • To develop strategies for implementation.
  • To structure and assist with the establishment of an agricultural unit in the RBA.
  • To assist with capacity building strategies i.e. mentorship, formal training.
  • To manage and implement pilot projects for the first six months to ensure sustainability and impact of the AMP.

Scope change request:

Scope change details

The AMP as was original planned never materialised for the following reasons; namely that due to lack of non communal land large enough to undertake commercial projects, both cattle and crops the AMP team could not provide any platform to show the type of ROI for the nation that these projects could make.

The second aspect the data and the findings of the AMP never actually were presented to the Supreme Council for their inputs and or comments. The agricultural department has however identified the elements within the "creating an enabling environment", such as crushpens for cattle, water for animals, mechnaization for crop farmers, training and seedlings for backyard households and an overall integration of all agricultural activities within RBN.

In summary the AMP has been concluded without fullfilling the demonstration of commercilised agaricultural projects, and the Agric Department is presently busy trying to deliver, budget allowing on creating and enabling environment for most of its communal farmers.

Key Focus Area: Environmental Management
Focus Areas: Food Security, Environmental Management
Beneficiaries: Community, Other
Regions: All Regions
Villages: All Villages
Institutions: Land use management
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Thursday 13 January 2011
Baseline End Date: Tuesday 30 April 2013
Actual Start Date: Thursday 13 January 2011
Actual End Date: Friday 28 March 2014
Schedule Variance:
-332 days
-39.618 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
51.581 %
Risks: 3
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 8
Total: 8




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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