The Royal Bafokeng Nation
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Land Policy Development
Project Status:
On hold
Project Number: 1975
Project Scope:

To develop a new, comprehensive land management policy for the RBN. The RBN currently does not have a comprehensive policy on land management. Land matters are being managed in various silos and the land management systems and practices have not been updated for some time. This project aims to facilitiate a consultative process as well as a legal drafting process to result in a land management polcy that represents and protects the values and principles of RBN communal land management, as well as creating opportunities for employment generating investment and better ability to manage housing demand. 

The project management is being carried out by Tara Polzer Ngwato (from October 2014-April 2015 in her capacity as HoD research and from May 2015 onwards as an external consultant). The legal drafting is being done by Nic Olivier of Matlotlo consulting. Nic is working under Tara's supervision and direction. 

The project is closely guided by the G20 - a group of delegates from the Traditional Council and Council of Dikgosana as well as relevant Executives. This group has had several meetings to debate the key principles of the new land policy.

The first phase of the project was from October 2014-January 2015. In this period, high level consultations on basic principles and values were conducted with the G20, resulting in agreed basic consultation documentation. Then the project had to pause until May 2015 due to lack of funding for the legal drafting work and other activities. The project's second phase started again at the end of May 2015 and is expected to be completed by November 2015. 


In scope: 

  • Consultations with administration, governance and Morafe
  • Consultations with RLM
  • Production of legal background document summarising the status quo and relevant context legislation
  • Technical legal drafting
  • Consultations on policy drafts
  • Finalisation of policy draft
Key Focus Area: Governance & Administration
Focus Areas: Economic Development, Food Security, Public & Community Utilities, Environmental Management, History and Heritage
Beneficiaries: Traditional leaders/Governance, Community, South African Government, Other Traditional authorities
Regions: All Regions
Villages: Phokeng, Kgale, Lefaragatlha, Bobounja, Lenatong, Luka, Chaneng, Diepkuil (Maile), Kanana, Serutube, Tantanana, Tlaseng, Marakana & Mosenthal, Roodekraalspruit, Kopman (Maile), Thekwane, Photsaneng, Mfidikwe, Mabitse, Tlapa & Tlapa East, Mogono, Tsitsing, Rasimone, Mafenya, Lesung, Mafika, Maile Extension, Leloreng, Motsitle (Mamerotse), Mogojane, Robega, All Villages
Institutions: Secretary of Traditional Governance
Progress Actual: 75.8 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Monday 13 October 2014
Baseline End Date: Friday 30 March 2018
Actual Start Date: Monday 13 October 2014
Actual End Date: Friday 14 December 2018
Schedule Variance:
-259 days
-20.491 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
77.656 %
Risks: 3
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 2
Total: 2




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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