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RBN Audit and Group Annual Financial Statements (AFS) 2016
Project Status:
Project Number: 2296
Project Scope:

o appoint an external auditing company to perform a full audit on RBN entities (Royal Bafokeng Administration (RBA), Royal Bafokeng Institution (RBI), Royal Bafokeng Sports (RBS) and Royal Bafokeng Enterprise Development (RBED) finances in order to verify whether correct procedures were followed by the Finance department. To further comply with generally accepted accounting practices (GAAP) and International framework and reporting standards (IFRS). This will be achieved by examining financial statements for the year 2016 and issuing out the Audit reports by the end of August 2017.

The scope:

  • Key management and financial controls in place;
  • Preparation of financial statement and evaluating the overall presentation of Financial Statement;
  • An assessment of business processes;
  • Evaluation of appropriateness of accounting policies;
  • Resolve audit issues raised during the auditing period;
  • Assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statement, whether due to fraud or error; and 
  • Receive final audit report on the financials.
Key Focus Area: Governance & Administration
Focus Areas:
Beneficiaries: Community, RBN Employees
Regions: Capital Region
Villages: Phokeng
Institutions: Shared Services: Finance
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Wednesday 1 March 2017
Baseline End Date: Thursday 17 August 2017
Actual Start Date: Wednesday 1 March 2017
Actual End Date: Thursday 30 November 2017
Schedule Variance:
-105 days
-62.13 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
80.019 %
Risks: 4
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 1
Total: 1




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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